
Miguel de Cervantes’ first novel was published in 1585 in Alcalá de Henares with the title The First Part of La Galatea Divided Into Six Books. Undoubtedly he began writingit in 1580, upon his return from Algiers and with the aim of earning some money and paying some of the debts that his family had incurred when obtaining his ransom....

The Exemplary Tales were written between 1590 and 1612 and were published in 1613 in a single volume. In Madrid, on September 9 of the same year, the publication rights for the...

On October 18 1614 Cervantes was granted the privilege of printing and selling Journey to Parnassus (Viaje del Parnaso). The work, which was published in Madrid of that same year, is a narrative piece written in verse that tells the story of the writer’s journey to Mount Parnassus....

On April 19 1616, now ill with dropsy and only a few days from death, Miguel de Cervantes wrote the dedication for The Trials of Persiles and Sigismunda to Pedro Fernández de ...

Between 1580 and 1587 Miguel de Cervantes wrote more than twenty or thirty comedies, which had some success in their productions. On March 5 1585, the same year that La Galatea was published, Cervantes signed a contract with the comedy writer Gaspar de Porres: Cervantes committed to deliver the comedies Confused and The Constantinople Agreement and the Death of Selín in fifteen days. For both works he would be paid...

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